Our model CaloPRO surpasses the heat output at comparable height/lenght of standard radiators type 21 and 22

However, the model CaloPRO has a lesser depth of 44mm at type 22 and a 10mm lesser depth than type 21

This means that with analog heat output smaller types of the CaloPRO can be used. At the same time the heating system CaloPRO saves enery with a smaller size.

The energy saving system is easily explained

Lesser water needs to be warmed – lesser energy is necessay. The combination of higher energy efficiency with lower water – realizes the engery saving.
The new model CaloPRO is compatible to all standard radiators for the universal use in all heating installations.

CaloEnergia energy saving radiators are easy to assemble. Our radiator harmonises perfectly with any heat source and only requires 5% of the water volume of a conventional radiator. This perfectly closes the previous gap in the energy saving chain.